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TRIZ - The theory of inventive problemsolving
This book is a complete manual on what TRIZ is, together with existing techniques, and the history around the theory of inventive problemsolving. The book is currently only available in swedish.

Price: 380 SEK + V.A.T. and S&H
And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared
If you are an inventor, or a person who needs to work out technical problems, then this is the book for you. You will learn the basic concepts of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ is the Russian acronym). You will find over 78 real problems and practical tools to solve them. Some of the solutions are given at the end of the book so you can w ork out the problems yourself while learning parts of the theory.
The author is the president of the Inventor's Association in the former Soviet Union. He originally published this book in the Russian language in 1984. He describes basic parts of his theory in very simple terms. Lev Shulyak has translated this important book into English.

Price: $ 45 + S&H or 320 SEK + V.A.T. and S&H
TRIZ on Marketing and Management
This is a thesis on how to use TRIZ on marketing and management problems.
The book is only available in swedish.

Price: $ 50 + S&H

How to order

Order on the address below. We will deliver the products within one week.

TIPS Innovation - Erik Dahlbergsgatan 21 - S-115 32
Stockholm - SWEDEN
Phone +46 8 666 04 19 Fax +46 8 600 19 70
E-mail: TIPS Innovation